Pausing the Sense of Self for even a few seconds is a tricky business…
The Sense of Self hates being paused – it can quietly and quickly become active: If you wonder if you are totally in the zone, you’re not! If you wonder if the Sense of Self is actually paused, it isn’t! If you wonder if you are really experiencing pure consciousness, you aren’t!

Spiritual enquiry can be done unobtrusively while going about your normal daily life. But try it in simple situations first – while queuing to pay at the supermarket or washing the dishes, etc, but see the disclaimer.
You can also do it when sitting quietly – but remember this is not meditation so don’t close your eyes or sit like a Buddha!
Regular practice is fun. It allows the human organism to reconnect with its original state of pure consciousness. This is an effortless spiritual high that can be enjoyed anytime and anywhere. It has a cumulative effect on the human organism that can be felt as the deep, organic spiritual connection of inner peace and happiness…
Spiritual enquiry
Stumbling into it
Some extras