Stilling the mind

 Although stilling the mind happened to me spontaneously I realised that anyone can master this ability by practicing the simple visualisation exercise in the following pages.

Stilling the mind is not a form of meditation. The exercise gives you the ability to actually pause the Sense of Self – the intimate experience we all have of being ourselves. In our absence only pure consciousness remains – there is no meditator, thinker or thoughts.

It’s not too difficult  to do because the Sense of Self briefly pauses thousands of times every day without our noticing. It’s a totally natural ability – one of the many subconscious mental processes we are not aware of.

The exercise takes makes it possible to become aware of this innate ability. We can then effortlessly pause the Sense of Self and “still the mind” whenever we choose.

Even short periods of pure consciousness can have a profound effect on the human organism that leads to an organic sense of inner peace and happiness, 

I’ve called this process “spiritual enquiry”: The art of experiencing pure consciousness by pausing the Sense of Self. 

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Spiritual enquiry
Stumbling into it 
Some extras