Pure consciousness

In this brief guide I’ve shared how I stumbled across an effortless form of spiritual enquiry that leads directly to inner peace and happiness. It involves the experience of pure consciousness when the Sense of Self is absent.

When the Sense of Self is paused the  “I”, the experience of individuality, is absent and only pure conscious remains. This state is beyond words, understanding, knowledge, intellect, intuition, instinct, concepts, beliefs, meditation and all functions associated with the Sense of Self.

This is the original state an infant is born with. It has been at the heart of spiritual practices for millennia, especially in the East.

Spiritual enquiry a simple and effortless way to enjoy pure consciousness without the use of meditation, mantras, rituals, beliefs or asceticism. Practicing the spiritual enquiry exercise  makes what was once an esoteric mystery into an everyday pleasure. That it leads to inner peace and happiness is quite a bonus! (see disclaimer)

Pure consciousness is magnificent in its simplicity and beauty! Glimpsing beyond the “I” is spirituality in its most fundamental and purest form.  

I hope you have found this brief guide helpful, and I wish you every success on your own search for inner peace and happiness. 


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Spiritual enquiry
Stumbling into it 
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