
30 years ago I stumbled upon a simple way to “still the mind” and experience pure consciousness.  I discovered this is the most direct and effortless way to develop inner peace and happiness.

In this Brief Guide you’ll find a simple 30 secs exercise that enables you to still the mind, to pause the Sense of Self. In your absence what remains is pure consciousness.

The Indian sage Patanjali wrote about this 2000 years ago and regarded it as the essence of spirituality. The exercise makes what was once an esoteric practice into an everyday pleasure.

Stilling the mind goes way beyond meditation and can be effortlessly experienced during your normal daily life – while you’re shopping, watching TV, meeting friends, etc. 

It has a cumulative effect that leads directly to inner peace and happiness. I call this process Spiritual Enquiry.

Spiritual enquiry – 5 mins reading
Stumbling into it – 5 mins reading
Some extras – take your time
Disclaimer – brief but essential reading